The Medicare Planning Fringe Benefit® provides a CMS compliant process transitioning Eligible Plan Members to Medicare. This significantly reduces employee benefit costs.

Why choose Health&Wealth Advisors, LLC

We are Benefit Advisors supporting an  Integrated Healthcare & Financial planning® process. The goal is to mitigate financial risks associated with the transition to retirement including:
  1. Select the most suitable, lowest-cost Medicare plan option.
  2. Maximizing lifetime retirement income.
  3. Planning for future long-term care expenses.
When these three goals are achieved,clients save money and get better outcomes.

All Major Providers

Receive a cost comparison of your most suitable Medicare plan options

Professional Advisor

Your analysis is preparade by a Federally Licensed Financial Advisor

Online or by Phone

The process is conveniently conducted online or by telephone

No Cost

There is no cost to Medicare Beneficiaries

Save $$$$!

The results save you $$$$ in Medicare annual out of pocket expenses

Fast & Easy

Your complete report is delivered within 24-48hrs

We are Benefit Advisors supporting an  Integrated Healthcare & Financial planning® process. The goal is to mitigate financial risks associated with the transition to retirement including:
  1. Select the most suitable, lowest-cost Medicare plan option.
  2. Maximizing lifetime retirement income.
  3. Planning for future long-term care expenses.
“When these three goals are achieved,clients save money and get better outcomes.”

“Employers - Sponsor A $-0- Cost/No Risk Medicare Planning Fringe Benefit® Pilot Project.Your Medicare Eligible Plan Members Will Thank You.”

Click Trust Pilot, enter Health&Wealth Advisors then complete the Review.